Meet Dr. Jordan Meyer, DC
Dr. Jordan Meyer is a chiropractic physician practicing in Columbus, Ohio in the suburb Grandview Heights. His professional interests include combining sports medicine and rehabilitation concepts with chiropractic care to provide modern and comprehensive treatment for joint injuries.
Dr. Meyer grew up in a small farming community north of Dayton in Covington, Ohio. His initial college education started at Edison State Community College where he studied Biology and played Jr. College basketball. He finished up his undergraduate education at Wright State University majoring in Biology. He then attended Logan University in St. Louis, MO for his doctoral studies and graduated in 2017.
His education is ongoing since he left Chiropractic school. Dr. Meyer is a Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) certified practitioner from the Prague School of Rehabilitation in the Czech Republic. He also is a certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) and is extensively trained in the McKenzie technique via the McKenzie Institute USA.
Jordan loves spending time with his fiance Casie, and their 3 pups Trooper, Storm, and Ranger. He also loves traveling to new states, visiting national parks, weightlifting, running, photography, and watching college football.
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